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Steadfast or Stedfast?

Steadfast. The definition of stedfast is an alternate spelling of steadfast which means unwavering or loyal.

I've heard several people mention a word they have chosen for 2023. Well, whether you have chosen a word or not really isn't my point here. So, don't dwell on that. Just be unwavering in what you know to be right. Yes, I chose a word: Steadfast. Will I miss the mark at times? Absolutely! But I will keep on trucking...keep on moving...keep on putting one foot in front of the other...keep on striving to be steadfast in what I know to be right. What about you?

This New Year came in - kicking me like an ole, stubborn mule. I found [and still] find myself juggling news of my loved ones' serious health challenges - one after another! Can I be steadfast and continue to pray for others, even in the midst of my own family's challenges? Sometimes, I am like "Whoa mule - let up please!" For me, striving to be steadfast means - even when I am tired, weary, and sad - I must keep going. It's only a challenge when I take my eyes off of my Savior. It's only a challenge when I don't cast my cares upon Him. Whoa mule - Don't you get tired? I know I can't do this alone! But being reminded that Jesus is carrying me allows me to break away from that mule - and be steadfast - unwavering and loyal to what I know is true!

The other morning, I was praying and became a little overwhelmed. So, I rested my head upon my desk. Something said "open your eyes and look down." There was this old mousepad (probably over 20 years old, seriously) that I hadn't really paid much attention to in a long while. The words on the mousepad seemed to jump out at me: "NEVER UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF PRAYER." WOW. Even when I was at a low point, I was encouraged - to "keep on praying! I am reassured that while I am praying, somebody, out there, is praying for me! Is it you??

So, let me encourage you: Even when you don't feel like it, hold your head up high and be encouraged!

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. "(I Corinthians 15: 58)

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Annie Mason
Annie Mason
Jan 25, 2023

I will steadfastly pray for you and your loved one. "And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well..." James 5: 14-15

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